Select what you have

For sustainability reasons we care and support your chosen microcontroller platforms from the past.

Select your preferred microcontroller

Our recommendation is the C3-Mini™ as it is future proof for the upcoming Matter standard and it fits into the 3D-printed housings we prepared for you.

Select Actuator

Learn about the evolution for the C3-Mini™

The D1 is the predecessor of the C3-Mini™, which comes additionally with Bluetooth on board. Bluetooth is required for onboarding devices into the upcoming Matter environments, which are targeted.

Learn about Matter

We are preparing to get the following 12 sensor solutions into Matter, utilizing Matter-over-Wifi. Our premium sensor device, the SQ-Panel, comes with Matter-over-Thread.


For your convenience, we have prepared these platforms we support with care. Just click the desired one you possibly are familiar with:
