Get Spotify API Key

How to get the Spotify API Key

With this product you can remotely control your currently active Spotify player (smartphone, web player, dedicated device, etc) with a C3-Mini. After the initial authentication and authorization with the Spotify API the product will display the artwork from the currently playing song and will additionally display the title and the artist's name.

Since the Squared Triple Adapter with 2.8 Inch Display comes with a touch feature you also can pause the song, continue to play and jump to the next and previous song. And if that is not enough you are welcome to ask us for getting a software code modification on our WebFlashing platform, e.g. for controlling the volume or other features offered by the Spotify API.

In the below demo video you see the Squared Triple Adapter with 2.8 Inch Display on the left and for reference an Samsung Smartphone on the right. Note: The music is played by the smartphone, not the Squared Triple Adapter with 2.8 Inch Display, which acts as a remote for your phone.

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