C3-Mini Devices


Barometer: Barometric Pressure & Temperature by BMP180-Sensor (BOSCH)


Hygrometer-1: Temperature & Humidity by DHT11 (AOSONG/ASAIR)

IR Radiometer

IR Radiometer: Infrared Radiation Detector by IRM-H6XXT/TR2 (EVERLIGHT)


Luxmeter: Ambient Light by BH1750FVI (ROHM SEMICONDUCTOR)


Thermometer: Temperature by DS18B20 (MAXIM ANALOG DEVICES)

Motion Detector

Motion Detector: Passive Infrared Radiation Detector by PIR (ADAFRUIT)

Presence Detector

Presence Detector: Push / Click Control by One-Button (DIGIKEY)

Custom Sensor

Install-for-Free Video Guide

Tripple Adaptor

Stack one of the seven sensor boards onto the Triple-Adapter, Have the C3-Mini in the middle and the display board on the right.