
Level 3: API Usage & App Development (Solution Builder)

Create own App by Arduino IDE in Solution Builder & utilize AI for coding (ChatGPT)

Create own app by ChatGPT-assisted coding in Arduino IDE with own API-keys and upload code, your binary, to Solution Builder. Optionally: Share your success on LinkedIn.

The third level encourages students to share their success within the solution builder community. The focus is on developing coding skills in Arduino, optimizing sketches by AI, and leveraging API integrations to enhance functionality of own Apps.

Summary for this Level

In the third level, students will delve into the world of API usage and app development. They will learn to use API keys for accessing external services, consider to create their own applications in the Arduino IDE and share their result on Solution Builder. This level also encourages students to contribute their successes to a community and tell about it, e.g. on LinkedIn, growing a sense of beeing visibly part of a community and collaboration. By the end of this level, students will have a understanding of how to use abnd possibly integrate APIs into their projects, develop, upload and share applications, and effectively communicate their achievements to a broader audience.

Tools: API-keys, Arduino, ChatGPT and Solution Builder
Reward: DS18B20 Sensor / or Oximeter Sensor
Level of Difficulty: Basic Tutor: Paul
Tutorial for this level
Deliverables for achieving Level 3

To accomplish Level 3, a custom app must be uploaded to the Solution Builder at https://solutions.carenuity.com. First, an Arduino code should be created or an existing code example should be used and modified to make it an own. Optionally, an API from a third-party service can be implemented, and ChatGPT should be used for coding, check for the latest 'canvas on ChatGPT'feature, see https://www.heise.de/news/ChatGPT-bekommt-Canvas-OpenAI-bietet-neue-APIs-an-9961813.html. In the Arduino IDE, the so-called 'merged binary' is automatically generated, which needs to get uploaded to https://solutions.carenuity.com.

Once that is done, simply send the link (URL) of your own new app on Solution Builder to team@carenuity.com for sharing your success.

Motivational or Reference Video
Gained Tech Competences

Remembering: In Level 3, students will advance to creating and coding applications in the Arduino IDE. Understanding: They will optionally use own API keys to integrate external services in their code and then upload their code as binary on Solution Builder. Applying: This level as well encourages students to share their success on a social platform, sharing their result for friends on Solution Builder. Analyzing: The focus is on developing coding skills, uploading projects and leveraging API integrations to enhance functionality. Evaluating: The rewarded sensor allows to compare locally measured values with globally available values from the Internet.

Gained Soft Skills

Remembering: In Level 3, students will enhance their communication skills by sharing their results on Solution Builder. Understanding: They will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by integrating API keys and coding applications. Applying: Time management is key as they juggle multiple tasks, and adaptability is required to learn and use new APIs. Analyzing: Leadership and initiative are demonstrated by promoting their work within the professional community.

Summary for this Level

In the third level, students will delve into the world of API usage and app development. They will learn to use API keys for accessing external services, consider to create their own applications in the Arduino IDE and share their result on Solution Builder. This level also encourages students to contribute their successes to a community and tell about it, e.g. on LinkedIn, growing a sense of beeing visibly part of a community and collaboration. By the end of this level, students will have a understanding of how to use abnd possibly integrate APIs into their projects, develop, upload and share applications, and effectively communicate their achievements to a broader audience.