Curious about new features for the SQ-Panel?
Install-for-Free new Features on your Evaluation Kit and feedback to make it perfect.
This is the way to get new features into your home, directly from the SQ-Labs development. Are you curious about features that are not yet available on your SQ-Panel? Then simply install-for-free the new ones on your evaluation kit - and try them out at home. We look forward to your feedback on each new feature! What experiences have you had with it in your everyday life at home?
Our motto: integrate - evaluate -advocate!

Get your Evaluation Kit, install-for-free the desired application and integrate it into your home, integrate it into your smart home or use it standalone (cloudfree) at home, exactly in the desired and very specific place. For example, For example, place it at the perfect location for you, e.g. next to your bed, on your desk or on top of your wardrobe or even inside something else.

Evaluate your desired feature for the next weeks at home until you are 100% happy with it, e.g. on what the SQ-Panel Prototype notifies to you and that your automations work as desired.SQ-Panel Credit Program:
Return the prototype with a money-back guarantee when buying an SQ-Panel. Your prototype purchase amount will be credited towards the SQ-Panel, reducing its cost. Ideally as a mouse-over message for the 'SQ-Panel Credit Program'

Advocate your solution and post it on Social Media for getting more people into it. Possibly your solution makes a trend and becomes an asked feature for many homes.

From SQ-Panel Prototype to an implemented feature of SQ-Panel

Implementation of the feature

Eval-Kits for early bird testing of new features
We provide Eval-Kits in various sizes for placement at any spot and at any height. Which size do you prefer for evaluating the desired features at home?

Select the right Sensor
Choose one of the ready-made Single Sensor Boxes or get inspired from a walk through the Show-Rooms to select the sensor, microcontroller and actuator individually.
Housing for your device
Single Sensor Boxes come with enclosure. If you want to customize your device, we offer 3D-printables on Thingiverse.

SQ-Panel-like Enclosure for Evaluation Kit - Size “M”
A SQ-Panel-like M-sized housing with the SQ-TableStand to accommodate the 66.4 mm x 66.4 mm Evaluation-Kit, that is optimized to house the Triple-Adapter with Sensor, C3-Mini and an 0.66 inch or the 0.96 inch OLED display. An S-sized variant 64.0mm x 64.0 mm is in preparation.

SQ-Panel-like Enclosure for Evaluation Kit - Size “L”
A large SQ-Panel-like L-sized housing with the SQ-TableStand to accommodate the 79.1 mm x 79.1 mm Evaluation-Kit, that is optimized to house a variety of Sensors with the Raspberry-Pi Pico W (Infineon Wifi) and the 0.66 inch or the 0.96 inch OLED display.

SQ-Panel-like Enclosure for Evaluation Kit - Size “XL”
The extra large SQ-Panel-like XL-sized housing with the SQ-TableStand for the large 2.4- or 2.8-inch displays can accommodate the 87.0 mm x 87.0 mm Evaluation-Kit. It preferably gets covered with a spy mirror foil to conceal the electronics and give it the appearance of a smart mirror.
Alternative Enclosure for Evaluation Kit – Size “S”
This enclosure is optimized to save space on your desk and is first choice for beginners. It comes in variants to match various sensors and accommodate the 0.66 inch or the 0.96 inch OLED display. You can stack it on 3D-printable TableStands.
Alternative Enclosure for Evaluation Kit - Size “L”
This medium-sized housing has a square shape and is optimized to lie flat on the desk or stand, as shown. It is also available in variants to match the sensors and accommodates the 0.66 inch or the 0.96 inch OLED display. A TableStand is available on request.
Alternative Enclosure for Evaluation Kit - Size “XL”
This square shape housing comes with a TableStand, just like the SQ panel. The electronics are located next to the large 2.4- or 2.8-inch display, which preferably is covered with a spy mirror foil to conceal the electronics and give it the appearance of a smart mirror.
You can download the STL from here:
- Prototype S: Triple-Adapter
- Prototype L: Standard
- Protoype XL: Large